Web analytics

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Trackable Phone Numbers Help You Measure Success

In a previous article, I talked about using targeted paid search to drive phone calls to your business. It is one of the most direct methods that you can use to generate quality phone leads. Now, we discuss using trackable phone numbers to measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts. This works for paid search (PPC), promotions on your site or direct mail. The idea is …



Web Analytics for Busy Business Owners

Ever wonder if your website is helping your business make money? I know I do. Putting as much time into my site as I do, I really want to know if all of the effort is paying off. But what if you don’t look at sites and their statistics for a living? Does it seem like it’s just way too much trouble to learn ANOTHER task to take up your time? I thought so. I’m here to show you how to find out simple information about your site without hauling out a bunch of geeky books. Promise.
