Content Marketing

Make a marketing plan for Christmas 2017: Part 1

christmas retail marketing planning

If you are a retail store and you don’t have a solid plan to get more sales this Christmas season, it’s not too late. If you’re reading this in November, then sorry, it actually is too late. However, if this is August (and last I checked it still is), go ahead and get yourself a cup of coffee and sit down with me at the table. We’ve got notes to make. Every year you tell your self that you’re going to hit it out of the park but you get busy and December rolls up before you know it and steamrolls you. This year is going to be different.


Wahsega Labs Commits Strongly to Content Marketing

wahsega emblem

Georgia-based IP audio technology company Wahsega Labs knows that to sell their products, people have to know about them. So they set out on an ambitious mission to spread news, white papers, blogs and any other useful publication anywhere a potential customer might be. Management recognized early on that their products fit well with both large and small facilities so outreach channels were carefully researched to touch niches ranging from technology integrators and installers all the way up to state and federal governmental facilities.


Top 3 Tips for Writing Content

  One of the great challenges that business owners face when writing for marketing efforts is coming up with content that engages their readers and encourages a conversion and a return visit. Tall order, right? Yes, but by working with three basic tenets, you can make your job easier. Write for a specific audience The old saying goes that by trying to please everybody, you …
